The 3003 workshirt fit guide

1. **Inspired by a Classic Workshirt:**
The 3003 Workshirt draws inspiration from the timeless classic workshirt design. This means it incorporates practical elements and durable construction that are typical of workwear, making it a reliable and versatile wardrobe piece.

2. **Slightly Smaller Fit than #3001, Meant for Layering Under #3001:**
Compared to the #3001 overshirt, the 3003 Workshirt has a slightly smaller fit. It is specifically designed to be a layering piece under the #3001 overshirt. When choosing your size, consider that you'll be wearing it underneath another garment, so you may want to go for a size that fits comfortably under the overshirt without adding unnecessary bulk.

3. **Size Up from Regular Size for Overshirt-Style Fit:**
If you intend to wear the 3003 Workshirt as an overshirt-style garment rather than a layering piece, it is recommended to size up from your regular size. By doing so, you'll achieve a more relaxed and roomier fit, resembling the traditional overshirt look. Sizing up will also allow you to comfortably wear the 3003 on its own or over a light base layer.

4. **Two Pleats at the Cuff for Shaping the Sleeve, Sits Above the Hand as per Vintage Workwear Styles:**
The 3003 Workshirt features two pleats at the cuff of the sleeves. These pleats serve the purpose of shaping the sleeve, giving it a distinctive and authentic vintage workwear aesthetic. When trying on the workshirt, ensure that the cuff pleats are positioned above your hand, as it is a characteristic feature of classic workwear styles.

5. **Functional Cuff with Corozo Button:**
The workshirt comes with a functional cuff design, secured with a corozo button. Corozo buttons are durable and eco-friendly, adding to the overall quality and style of the garment. Make sure the cuff button fastens securely to keep the sleeves in place while wearing it.

6. **Torso Tapers Towards Hem:**
The fit of the 3003 Workshirt tapers slightly towards the hem. This means it narrows down from the chest to the waist, creating a flattering and structured silhouette. When trying on the workshirt, check that it provides a comfortable fit around your chest while still maintaining a tapered appearance towards the bottom.

Remember, the fit guide serves as a general reference, and personal preferences may differ. If possible, try on the 3003 Workshirt in different sizes to find the one that best suits your layering or overshirt-style needs. Enjoy the classic and versatile appeal of this workshirt!